The Best Ad Formats on Instagram for Boosting Gym Membership Sales

The Best Ad Formats on Instagram for Boosting Gym Membership Sales

The best ad formats on instagram for boosting gym membership sales

In the fitness industry, reaching potential members and engaging them effectively is crucial for driving gym membership sales. Instagram, with its visually appealing and highly interactive platform, offers several ad formats that can help gyms connect with their target audience and boost memberships. Here’s a guide to the best Instagram ad formats for increasing gym membership sales and how to use them effectively.

1. Photo Ads

What They Are: Photo ads are single image advertisements that appear in users’ feeds. They are simple yet effective for showcasing your gym’s facilities, equipment, and overall atmosphere.

How to Use Them:

  • Highlight Unique Features: Use high-quality images to highlight the unique features of your gym, such as state-of-the-art equipment, spacious workout areas, and clean, modern facilities.
  • Showcase Success Stories: Include before-and-after photos of members who have achieved significant fitness milestones at your gym.
  • Promote Special Offers: Announce limited-time membership discounts or free trial offers with eye-catching visuals.

Example: A well-lit photo of your gym’s interior with a caption like “Join now and get 50% off your first month! #FitnessGoals #GymLife”

2. Video Ads

What They Are: Video ads are short, engaging videos that can last up to 60 seconds. They appear in users’ feeds and can effectively convey more information than a static image.

How to Use Them:

  • Tour of the Gym: Create a virtual tour of your gym, showing different workout areas, classes in action, and amenities.
  • Member Testimonials: Feature satisfied members sharing their fitness journey and how your gym helped them achieve their goals.
  • Class Previews: Show snippets of popular classes like yoga, spinning, or HIIT to attract users interested in specific workouts.

Example: A dynamic video showcasing various gym activities with upbeat music and a call-to-action like “Sign up today and experience the difference!”

3. Carousel Ads

What They Are: Carousel ads allow you to share multiple images or videos in a single ad, which users can swipe through.

How to Use Them:

  • Showcase Different Areas: Highlight different sections of your gym, such as the weight room, cardio area, group fitness classes, and locker rooms.
  • Step-by-Step Transformation: Display a series of images showing a member’s fitness transformation journey.
  • Feature Membership Benefits: Use each slide to highlight various benefits of joining your gym, such as personal training, nutrition counseling, and community events.

Example: A carousel ad with the caption “Swipe to see why we’re the best gym in town! #JoinTheFitFam”

4. Stories Ads

What They Are: Stories ads appear between users’ Instagram Stories and can be photos or videos. They are full-screen, vertical ads that disappear after 24 hours, creating a sense of urgency.

How to Use Them:

  • Exclusive Offers: Promote time-sensitive deals and exclusive membership offers to create urgency.
  • Behind-the-Scenes: Share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your gym, such as trainer introductions or a sneak peek of new classes.
  • Engage with Polls and Questions: Use Instagram’s interactive features like polls and question stickers to engage with potential members and gather feedback.

Example: A Stories ad featuring a limited-time offer like “24-hour flash sale! Swipe up to claim your free trial pass! #FitIn24”

5. Explore Ads

What They Are: Explore ads appear in the Explore tab, which is a section where users discover new content based on their interests.

How to Use Them:

  • Target Interests: Reach users who are actively looking for fitness-related content and are likely to be interested in joining a gym.
  • Trending Content: Create ads that align with current fitness trends and popular workout routines to attract more attention.

Example: An eye-catching ad with a call-to-action like “Discover the best fitness experience in town! Join us today! #ExploreFitness”

6. IGTV Ads

What They Are: IGTV ads are longer videos that can be up to 60 minutes, providing an opportunity to share in-depth content.

How to Use Them:

  • Detailed Class Previews: Provide detailed previews or full sessions of your most popular fitness classes.
  • Educational Content: Share valuable fitness tips, workout tutorials, and nutrition advice to establish your gym as an authority in the fitness space.
  • Success Stories: Feature extended member success stories and transformations to inspire potential members.

Example: A 10-minute video showing a full workout routine with a trainer explaining each exercise, ending with a membership promotion.

Suggested reading : How To Use Google Ads To Drive Local Traffic To Your Gym


Instagram offers a variety of ad formats that can help gyms boost their membership sales by engaging potential members in creative and effective ways. By leveraging photo ads, video ads, carousel ads, Stories ads, Explore ads, and IGTV ads, gyms can showcase their unique features, promote special offers, and connect with their target audience. Each ad format has its strengths, and using a combination of these formats can maximize your reach and impact, ultimately driving more memberships and growing your fitness community.

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About Author: Ashutosh (Ash) Mishra

I am Ashutosh - a seasoned digital marketer, bringing digital transformation to businesses, complementing businesses' growth via generating qualified leads, drive site inbound traffic via organic and inorganic approach, & build their brands through useful, well-designed marketing strategies and Marketing Automation implementation via Chat GPT, HubSpot & Zoho.